What are personalised weekly pregnancy calendars software?

April 19, 2008 at 8:24 pm (video weekly pregnancy calendars due date calculators, weekly pregnancy calendars and due date calculators, weekly pregnancy calendars due date calculators video) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

You can get your personalised interactive weekly video pregnancy calendar software here.

You’re pregnant! You’re having all kinds of feelings. You’re absolutely terrified. You’re excited. You’re curious about how your baby is developing, childbirth and wondering about holding your little baby in your arms for the very first time. As an expectant mother you need to know about weekly pregnancy calendars and due date calculators.

This article explains week by week pregnancy calendars and recommends an interactive personalised weekly ultrasound video pregnancy calendar software which you can learn with on notebook personal computers or desktop PC at home or at work during your breaks.

What are weekly pregnancy calendars ?

A week by week pregnancy calendar is an expected weekly record of your early pregnancy symptoms and your other signs of pregnancy for normal fetal development. A weekly pregnancy calendar helps you understand and appreciate the changes your body is undergoing and the changes in your developing embryo or fetus during your pregnancy period. A weekly pregnancy calendar teaches you the weekly detailed changes a pregnant woman experiences and you will learn important information about your baby and yourself for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

How to determine your weekly pregnancy calendar ?

The date of your last menstrual period or LMP determines the beginning of your weekly pregnancy calendar. Doctors use this date for predicting your probable or expected due date or date of birth of your child. The normal weekly pregnancy calendar predicts your due date to be approximately forty weeks from the arrival of your last period.

How does the weekly pregnancy calendar help to keep track of the development of your baby ?

The weekly pregnancy calendar forecasts only a probable due date and not the exact birthdate of your baby based on statistical evidence. You should be aware that it is only an indication and not a confirmation when your baby will arrive into this world. The expected date of your delivery varies from the 38th week to the 42nd week after your last menstrual period.

The week by week pregnancy calendar also helps you keep track of the stages of development of your baby and yourself, the mother based on the historical statistical medical records of pregnancies and births in a population.

What are trimesters ?

The weekly pregnancy calendar is divided into three periods during a pregnancy from conception till child birth. Each of these periods is known as a trimester. The first trimester is the duration starting from the first week of the pregnancy to the twelfth week. The period of pregnancy from the thirteenth week to the twenty-sixth week is called the second trimester. The third trimester begins from the twenty-sixth week to the birth of the baby. The critical period is a specific term for the period between the 39th week and the 42nd week.

What is your personalised weekly pregnancy calendar ?

Now you can experience visually real-life moving images or video of the stages of development and changes of your baby from an embryo to a fetus to a baby in your arms with your very own personalised weekly pregnancy calendar software based on your last menstrual period. In addition to useful practical information for every week of your pregnancy, you and the father of your child can share watching real fetal movies of how your baby is developing each week on your personal computer. You can select the week you wish to view and get detailed information. You will not loose valuable time with logins to websites or be bothered with direct and indirect advertisements. Instead you will enjoy learning interactively with your personalised weekly pregnancy calendar software during this memorable experience of your life. Let this software be your companion in this beautiful journey.

You can learn about personalised weekly pregnancy calendars here.

Copyright 2008 by personalised weekly pregnancy calendars software website at https://pregnancycalendars.wordpress.com. All rights reserved.

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